Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Facebook Users, we need you!

The Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa is taking part in Giving Tuesday this year and IHHFH  has been invited to enter its Facebook contest. 

The nonprofit photo with the most "likes" by 3pm on Tuesday, November 27 will win $5,000 for their endowment fund. 

Please help us out by casting your vote today!

1. Go to our Facebook page - Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity.
2. Click on the link or photo that takes you to the Community Foundation page.
3. Click "like" on Habitat's photo.

If you havent already - be sure and "like" our page too!  You can also find our Facebook page on thehomepage of our website.

Thank you!

Giving Tuesday is a campaign to create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season.  It celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support nonprofit organizations.

Thank you volunteers!
Gary & Karin Blonigan recognized
Gary and Karin Blonigan were nominated by IHHFH for National Philanthropy Day on November 15th.  The Blonigans once served on the Habitat Board of Directors for 6 years. Gary was on the Construction and Personnel committees, while Karin served on the development and volunteer committee. Once their board terms were up, they haven't stopped volunteering. To this day, Gary and Karin are still very active with Habitat. Karin has been active with the annual Spring Benefit & Auction for 9 years, and Chair for 5 yrs. She has used her passion and knowledge of Habitat to help secure donations and auction items that raises $40,000 annually. Gary continues to volunteer on the construction sites weekly.

Annual Campaign Begins

Have you received our fundraising campaign letter?  You can see it on our website, too.

With your donation, you can help build decent affordable housing and improve neighborhoods right here.

Thank you.
Dollars for Doers

Jerry Dayton and Melody Goode have each raised $1,000 for IHHFH through the John Deere Foundation by volunteering 40 hours or more for Habitat this year.

Thank you Jerry and Melody for your hard work and asking John Deere for this gift for your time.

If your employer has a Dollars for Doers or similar volunteer program, please consider volunteering for Habitat!

Contact Amanda, Program Director at volunteer@heartlandhfh.org


There will be 2 home dedications in December:

Monday, December 17
305 Peek Street, Waterloo

Wednesday, December 19
1613 Aspen Drive, Waterloo

Everyone is invited to these very special occasions!
If you or someone you know is remodeling, be sure and check our ReStore for a great selection of home improvement items and great prices.  Where else can you shop and help the community all at the same time?  Click here to see ReStore items available now.  Check back frequently as items change weekly.
This week's featured items:
Delta Pullout Spray Faucet

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