Monday, August 30, 2010

1137 Leavitt Dedication

More photos of Dedication at 1137 Leavitt on Aug 27

John Deere Blitz Build: Week One, Day One

Volunteers from John Deere’s Supply Management Department are hard at work for the first day of the Blitz Build.  Lead by Construction Manager, Troy Blakestad, volunteers are raising walls built and delivered by the Eldora Training School; a long time partner of Habitat for Humanity.

Follow Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity’s blog as we document the Habitat home being built on 1218 Bauch Street in Waterloo.  Sign up as a follower to the blog to get automatic updates and pictures of this week’s Blitz Build.  If five short days, watch as volunteers transform a vacant lot into a new home for Annie Williams and her family.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Friday, August 27 at 3:00 Home Dedication

Habitat for Humanity’s  Home Dedication Number 88

1137 Leavitt

With the reconstruction of 1137 Leavitt Street in Waterloo, Habitat for Humanity will celebrate its 88th home completion over the span of 20 years. On Friday, August 27 at 3:00, Habitat will dedicate this home with Jackie White and her family. Dedications are open to the public as well as volunteers, donors, neighbors and Habitat partner families.

The purchase and reconstruction of 1137 Leavitt Street was made possible by the Neighborhood Stabilization Program which grants funding to purchase foreclosed homes and revitalize neighborhoods. This is the first of many homes purchased with funding from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to be completed in Waterloo. Habitat for Humanity will begin its second home on Leavitt Street in Waterloo, early in September.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Aug 30-Sept 3 John Deere Blitz Build

John Deere Blitz Build: Week One
1218 Bauch in July
Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity is partnering with the Supply Management Department at John Deere to Blitz Build two Habitat homes in preparation for interior winter work.  From August 30 to September 3, John Deere volunteers will frame walls, roof, hang exterior siding and install doors and windows; completely drying in the home.  During week one of the Blitz Build, there will be 10 different volunteers each day working at 1218 Bauch Street in Waterloo.  A partnership with Waterloo’s Community Development Office makes HOME funds available for affordable housing in Waterloo and Iowa Heartland HFH was able to purchase a dilapidated home, have it demolished and will help revitalize the neighborhood with a new Habitat home.  Grace Reformed Church located on Maxwell Street near the build site, has also partnered with Habitat for Humanity to allow volunteers to use their church for snacks and lunch as well as parking.
1218 Bauch Aug 23

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Home Dedications in August

Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity is busy building homes in Black Hawk, Bremer and Butler Counties with families and volunteers. In August, Habitat will celebrate the completion of its 86th, 87th and 88th home. Help Habitat celebrate building simple, decent and affordable homes by attending the following home dedications:

On Wednesday, August 18 at 4:00, Habitat will celebrate the completion its “2010 Church Build” at 330 Oneida Street in Waterloo. Volunteers from churches throughout the Cedar Valley have come together to build this home. The Waterloo Home Funds grant from the Waterloo Community Development office was used to build this home. This is the third Habitat home built in the Jackson/Oneida Street neighborhood in Waterloo.

The Habitat 2010 Women Build project located at 659 Lunar Lane in Waterloo will also be celebrating its home dedication on August 18 at 5:00. Women Build challenges women from all walks of life to help eliminate poverty housing and is the 4th home built by women in Waterloo. Waterloo Home Funds were also used to build this home.

Habitat will continue to build throughout the year in Parkersburg, Cedar Falls and Waterloo. Applications for homeownership are available at the Habitat office or on the Habitat website,

GMAC Golf Benefit August 26

Did you get a chance to see all the PR we were given lately? If you missed it, check out
Remember August 26 GMAC Golf Benefit. This is a great networking opportunity take advantage of online registration.